Chuck Welch

Mr. Welch began his law practice in 1977 with Farris Bobango, a Memphis-based firm that operated for 70 years. In February 2024, Farris Bobango merged with Phelps Dunbar, a New Orleans-based firm with a network of more than 400 attorneys across the southeastern United States and London.
From 1977 to 1995, Welch worked for Farris Bobango’s Memphis office, focusing on commercial litigation, transactional law, and representation of local governments. Welch was also an Assistant Shelby County Attorney from 1981 to 1997, and an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Collierville from 1984 to 1998. In 1995, Welch relocated to Nashville to open Farris Bobango’s Nashville office.
Welch’s practice has primarily focused on the areas of government relations, administrative law, commercial litigation, and transactional law. His work has helped drive major policy changes in Tennessee real estate law, administrative law, and telecommunications law to the benefit of the business community. Notably, his work was instrumental in the drafting and passage of the Telecommunications Act and the Market Regulation Act.
As counsel for public utility providers, Welch helps to ensure compliance and submit necessary documents and applications for the continuation, expansion, and maintenance of service areas and contracts.
Additionally, Welch has assisted clients with business solutions in Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, and North Carolina. One such client provides state of the art data applications for healthcare and education. Others provide architectural, engineering, and telecommunication services to various state departments.
On the transactional front, Welch assists clients with real estate transactions and business acquisitions and mergers by helping them navigate initial discussions, drafting, negotiations, and closings. Welch also represents members of the land title industry in Tennessee and has given annual presentations on hot topics in real estate for the title industry since 2011.
Chuck Welch
Tennessee Government Relations
414 Union Street
Nashville, TN 37219
Mobile 615.414.5619